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Boats for sale

Use the Boats For Sale search on the left of this page to search for more specific boating terms. Each office has several individual pages within this site that will help you locate more boats for sale.

Thousands of boats sold.

Network Yacht Brokers offer more boats for sale and have more offices throughout the UK and Europe than any other marina-based broker. As leading European Brokers, we have access to hundreds of Boats for Sale in 25 Marina locations all over the UK., the Mediterranean, and far beyond.

If you are looking for a specific make of boat, please visit our Boats available by Manufacturer List or use the boat search feature on our website.

We have the knowledge and experience to help you

Each Network Yacht Broker office is independently owned; therefore, as a network of marina based businesses, our owner-operators, we have the knowledge, experience and commitment to deliver the highest level of service. This professional marina based service sets us apart from what we call “bedroom or internet-based yacht Brokers” who often remain anonymous behind a computer desk. Introducing a client to a yacht or boat is only the first step in concluding a sale.  The reality is that when you have found a suitable craft or indeed when you’re selling your boat, a professional Brokers expertise is essential to guide you through what can be a minefield of buying or selling a boat.

Network Yacht Brokers share boats using a CRM system called Helm

Our websites use cutting-edge technologies that allow potential buyers to find the exact boat they are looking for quickly and simply. Our Brokers share boats using a CRM system called Helm. This online tool is only available to Network Yacht Brokers. Helm allows Network Yacht Brokers to manage listing from any PC or mobile device, keeping you fully updated with sales progress.

We track boats for sale from start to finish

Helm tracks our sales from start to finish keeping a timeline log of communication between Yacht Broker, buyer and seller.

As well as our own websites, listings are syndicated to numerous other leading online resources. We contribute and advertise on the Yacht Market, Yacht World, Boat Shop 24 and many other websites throughout Europe.

The internet will never replace a professional Yacht Broker

The internet has become the place to shop for a Boat or Yacht. Changes in marketing from more traditional magazine marketing have enabled our clients to be far better informed about price and boat specification details. The internet has also changed how our industry operates; however, the internet will never replace a professional Yacht Broker. Our marine industry thrives on relationships that often start in a marina based yacht brokerage.

Network Yacht Brokers more than just boats for sale

All Network Yacht Brokers operate on a “No Sales No Fee” basis. What does that mean? You can put a boat or yacht for sale, have it valued, photographed and looked over by a Network Yacht Broker for free. We will even pay to advertise your motorboat or yacht. You might be interested to know a Network Yacht Brokers free service does not end with trying to sell your boat. Your Network Yacht Broker is always willing to give free advice on all aspects of owning a yacht. Below are some topics you might need help with. We say it’s all part of the service.

A base for boating knowledge

If you are looking for a specific make of boat,  visit our Boats available by Manufacturer List or use the boat search feature on each page.

Each Network Yacht Broker office is privately owned. Therefore, as a network of locally-based owner-operators, we have the knowledge, experience and commitment to deliver the highest service level.

Our websites use cutting edge technologies to allow potential buyers to find the exact boat they are looking for. As well as our own websites, listings are syndicated to numerous other leading online resources. This means that Network Yacht Brokers is the place to find your next boat.

Ship Registration getting it right.

If you are contemplating buying a boat overseas, understanding the minefield of flag registration can be daunting. With so many variations of similar rules and cultural interpretation can be challenging. Unless you are dealing with flag registration daily, understanding your legal position as a boat owner can be confusing. Normally a boat owner never fully understands the limit of a particular flag registration. Get free advice from a Network Yacht Broker on avoiding registration problems.

Boats For Sale After Brexit

For years after the UK departed from the European Union, confusion about tax rules and C.E. marks will circulate throughout the marine trade. A Network Yacht Broker has up-to-date resources and knowledge to offer accurate advice on your boat’s VAT status.

Changes To VAT Rules

Change to VAT rules happened when we left Europe. Most of the changes do not affect cruising holidays. However, If you are one of the lucky individuals who now live outside the EU but keeps a boat inside the EU, things have changed slightly. Understanding local interpretations is something your Network Yacht Broker can offer practical advice on.

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